The psyche has a remarkable capacity for multi-directionality. Extending out to prospect the future, showing us the combinations of what seems to be taking shape, is something I observe in myself and others. Moving into that prophetic category is tricky, as to your point, the dream usually doesn't match reality 100%.

In my experience, these types of dreams have a similar quality to the spontaneous intuitions I receive in waking life. Granted, I operate from an introverted intuitive dominant psyche, so it makes sense that they carry a similar psychic flavor. For example, some years ago I dreamt that a friend's child would be born soon, and it indeed came a couple days later (which was not the due date). Similarly, I recently had a sudden sense that someone I had not thought of for a long time must have a child coming. It was a strange thought, as I knew the couple to be broken up. Little did I know, they had gotten back together and a child was due around the time of that intuition.

My aunt has told me stories of very specific precognitive dreams she has. She doesn't often share them with others, but a persistent dream of a coworker kept coming up (foretelling an accident of some kind). She finally told the coworker, and a week or 2 later, the accident happened. Sometimes I dream of others and I awake with such a strong sense that I have somehow touched into their lives and this dream is indeed about them and what they are going through. They feel really different than typical dreams, where I often dream of individuals I know, and find the subjective interpretation to make a lot of sense.

Time seems to dissolve into a mercurial field in the depths of psyche. Synchronicities, prophetic and prospective dreams, lucid intuitions — all of these seem to point to a mysterious realm of reality; which is much more complex than the limited views of ego consciousness.

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What a rich response, thank you Alyssa! I agree with you, as a fellow intuitive (but also thinking) type, these dreams have a similar feeling to spontaneous intuitions. Or, better said, those spontaneous intuitions have a dream-like quality themselves. It takes so much inner work to be able to tell these from fantasies or fearful stirrings of the ego.

I think my thinking function (which can get a tad rigid at times) blocked me for a long time from looking at dreams in this way. Even with the tarot, I try to stay away from other people's psyches, but something seems to happen in dreams where the boundaries are less firm. Lachman writes about telepathy and precognitive dreams between people with a strong emotional connection. Perhaps that's one of the things that connect us.

I also had a sense of someone I hadn't been in touch with for a few years having a child coming this year! When I met them they were happy to confirm that it's the case.

A very exciting topic to delve more into.

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A pretty cute synchronicity: as I was writing this comment I realised I had the song "Dreaming" by Blondie playing in the background.

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often i’ll find myself dreaming about exact moments that are confusing without context to my dream self but end up making total sense within the actual moment i live. most recently i dreamt about a walk home with some friends after a night out and i was holding the hand of one of my male friends. within the context of my dream self i would not of imagined holding his hand in a million years particularly since my bf was there too. but when the moment came it all made sense (the friend that held my hand was the most coherent at the time therefore i felt it was the safest holding his hand). to explain this phenomena to people is always a struggle though, i’m glad i won’t sound insane to you guys.

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Thank you for sharing that example! Precognitive dreams may sound insane when we first hear about them, but then we realise most of us experience them but probably don't pay much attention.

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I dreamed a co-worker was needing help but he wasn't going to ask me directly. I had been pushing him away and ignoring him in waking life, and sure enough a few days later he sets up a meeting where he didn't directly for help.. but it was clear that's what I needed to do.

I agree it's hard to know if something will be predictive. My dad was waiting to hear back from a doctor about something and I was having a lot of ominous dreams about him drowning... but it ended up being good news. Another example of the ego / left brain always grasping for closure and conclusions.

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Sounds to me a but like telepathy too? As in receptivity to another person’s psychic process, you may have picked up on something there that was in the field but wasn’t necessarily about the future. What do you think?

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I have precognitive dreams fairly often, though probably more than I recall at the moment. Two, however, stand out because they contained ordinary but (at the time) life-altering conversations that happened, word-for-word and gesture-for-gesture, the very day after the dream. I can tell when a dream is precognitive, even while I'm in the dream. There's always an awareness that I'm in a dream, but with those ones I also know that it's happening in my future.

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How interesting! How does it feel when it happens in real life?

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It feels more realistic, like I'm experiencing it simultaneously in my dream and the future. It gives me the experience of fluid time rather than linear time. In waking life, they feel like deja vu only less startling.

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How cool!

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