What a fun idea, Maria! Allowing the gods to live through you, and you through them. I'm a mild student of astrology myself - also being raised to fear the Christian god and ignore things of the occult. My chart shows Jupiter conjunct Mercury... any idea what that means?

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Thanks for the comment, Nolan! The first thing that comes to me is the "mind like sky" type of meditation. Jupiter expands the powers of Mercury, so I would associate that combination with an expansive mind and intellect, broad interests, boundless curiosity, a great orator and communicator, perhaps someone who writes about philosophical/religious things or travel or other mind-expanding themes, or a great comedian. On the darker side, I'd also watch out for having too many interests that it becomes difficult to focus on one thing properly, the tendency to exaggerate or maybe even plagiate, perhaps even inflation when it comes to one's intellectual capacities.

This will all be flavoured by the sign and house they're placed in, which will tell you how these energies manifest and in what area of your life.

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Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply, Maria! Your breakdown really resonates with me, and I’m finally entering a phase of my life where I’ve found the path that aligns with my talents and passions. I’ve written a lot about my journey, if you’re interested in checking out my publication as well!

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For me Jupiter is transiting my first house of the self and of consciousness. I am expanding my identity by venturing into new beginnings pertaining to the other houses that Jupiter rules in my chart which is the 7th house of long term partnerships and 10th house of career which is very fitting since I'm starting a new job and started my substack recently. In terms of offerings I haven't provided anything concrete but I am having faith and hope for a better, more aligned future which is on par for Jupiter's optimism and sometimes blind faith.

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I love how you expanded on this and hurrah to new beginnings, may they bring you closer to your expansive self! I also appreciate how you brought the other houses into this. I can imagine how expanding your sense of self and feeling more confident will have great effects on your 1:1 partnerships and public self. Hell yeah! (My 10th and 11th houses are Jupiter-ruled and I'm already seeing good things happening career-wise and in relation to my hopes and dreams too).

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So happy for you! Looking forward to the many blessings that will surely come :)

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