That’s a great programme. Would appreciate any non-Amazon suggestions for sourcing the books, particularly Catafalque which seems to be quite tricky to get hold of (I’m in England)
Thanks Miranda! I’m with you, I was conflicted about linking to Amazon but it makes it easy to find the book and read a brief description there. I hope everyone can look for the book locally or via second half book shops. Most of my books are purchased used (in fact only Catafalque was purchased from Amazon because I couldn’t find it anywhere else). Perhaps placing an order through a shop like Watkins or a local bookstore could work?
That’s a great programme. Would appreciate any non-Amazon suggestions for sourcing the books, particularly Catafalque which seems to be quite tricky to get hold of (I’m in England)
Thanks Miranda! I’m with you, I was conflicted about linking to Amazon but it makes it easy to find the book and read a brief description there. I hope everyone can look for the book locally or via second half book shops. Most of my books are purchased used (in fact only Catafalque was purchased from Amazon because I couldn’t find it anywhere else). Perhaps placing an order through a shop like Watkins or a local bookstore could work?
This is exciting!! Was revisiting Dream and the Underworld this past month so this is perfect timing!
I’m so glad! It would be so much fun to nerd out about it together.