My hope for this Substack is that it grows into something that reaches millions of readers! Immense ambition or wishful thinking aside, I hope you get more time to write and for my own selfish reasons I hope it's more longform. I love what you write and it's such a treat to read you on the weekends or first thing Monday morning. I like the range you have when engaging in topics and I would assume that most of it will center or relate to the work you do because I expect the passion you put into it to color the lens through which you see the world. Honestly, I just love the perspective you bring to topics and also from a more technical point of view I like how you structure your ideas and discourse on a given theme. I would like to see how astrology plays out in the context of therapy or book recommendations as I feel it will make more of the intangible tangible or to put it woowooistic - as above (astrology) so below (therapy).
Thank you so much, Calina, what a lovely piece of feedback. My 11th house of hopes and dreams feels very validated by your comment. (as does my 12th house Mercury). I will definitely be introducing more astrology into my writing, mostly to help others see what my skeptical mind gained from it <3
Excited for this next stage of your journey!!
Thank you, Alyssa!
I’m happy for this new chapter on your newsletter. I want to read it all already lol. I’m here to stay ✨
Thank you so much, I appreciate your support!
My hope for this Substack is that it grows into something that reaches millions of readers! Immense ambition or wishful thinking aside, I hope you get more time to write and for my own selfish reasons I hope it's more longform. I love what you write and it's such a treat to read you on the weekends or first thing Monday morning. I like the range you have when engaging in topics and I would assume that most of it will center or relate to the work you do because I expect the passion you put into it to color the lens through which you see the world. Honestly, I just love the perspective you bring to topics and also from a more technical point of view I like how you structure your ideas and discourse on a given theme. I would like to see how astrology plays out in the context of therapy or book recommendations as I feel it will make more of the intangible tangible or to put it woowooistic - as above (astrology) so below (therapy).
Thank you so much, Calina, what a lovely piece of feedback. My 11th house of hopes and dreams feels very validated by your comment. (as does my 12th house Mercury). I will definitely be introducing more astrology into my writing, mostly to help others see what my skeptical mind gained from it <3