Curious to explore your dreams in an intimate and creative group setting? Join a my upcoming 8-week dream circle starting on Tuesday, 18 February. There’s only one space left.
Jungian analyst, author, and co-host of This Jungian Life Podcast, Lisa Marchiano, returns to Begin Again for a fascinating chat about dreams through a Jungian perspective.
In this conversation, we discuss:
Lisa and her co-autors’ process of writing a dreamwork “cookbook”;
The dream ego vs the waking ego and ego-less dreams;
Why emotions are the dream’s currency and how to interpret anger;
What overflowing toilets might represent in a dream;
Dreaming about your clients as an analyst or therapist;
Lisa’s evolving relationship to her dreams;
How dreams broaden our emotional spectrum;
Why dreams leave and how to bring them back.
Lisa Marchiano on Begin Again:
Follow more of Lisa’s work:
Find out more about Lisa’s event at the DRI Centre for Dream Studies in London
Image is Orpheus by Odilon Redon
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